ecriture féminine

A young woman approaches two teenagers for sex on the street in Brussels. After twenty-four hours devoted entirely to fucking in an anonymous hotel room the heroine has discovered the true nature of her sexuality.

The feminine gaze and pornography versus eroticism is at the center of Ms Rey’s fiction.

Published in 1999, Loubards Magnifiques was inspired in part by the pornographic films of Paola-Virginie Denis. Her pornographic work was published under the pseudonyms of Virginie and Justine Love.

In 2000 Ms Denis’ response to receiving an inscribed copy of Loubards Magnifiques in the persona of Justine Love was captured by Jeff Davis, a longtime friend, in her Marseille studio.

All photographs and films courtesy of Jeff Davis, Eugenie Denis, Fanchon d’Arcy, the estate of Paola-Virginie Denis. Special thanks to Edouard d’Urcy for his assistance.

_ Annaliese Berlin, 2025
